This globe was provided to me by a friend. She told me, she wanted to give it to me, since she always had the impression that I am very concerned about the environment. I grew up on a farm and we live close to the sea. Being outside in the nature has always been very important to me. However, as anywhere else on earth we are already facing the early impacts of climate change. E.g. we had a few row of summers with too little rain to bring in the harvest and a few winters warm winters with too much rain.
To protect the environments we are living in, it is important to act during the daily live in a way to reduce environmental pollution and climate change. This starts with little things as riding your bicycle to your work, go by foot to the supermarket, bring your own bag and avoid consumables wrapped in plastic. As often as I can, I go to the farmers market and buy seasonal food directly there from the producer. This is benefiting the environment due to lower carbon footprint but also to your health, as the food is fresher and this can be tasted as well. To reduce plastics, there are many things which can be done in your daily life and I will mention a few thing, which I already do:
Instead of shower gel and shampoo I use soap bars. An alternative to conditioner is a rinse of cold water and vinegar, which also removes residual soap. Also oil can replace many items in your bathroom. It can be applied to your hair instead of conditioner and it even replaces creams and make up remover. Using local libraries can be good alternative to buy books.
In the future, I continuously want to further improve my daily habits. One thing I noted is, that from the items I own only a few are second hand like some furniture or electrical machines e.g. a dishwasher or washing machine. Buying second hand has the advantage that fewer resources are wasted. Thus, one of my goals for the future is to check first the second hand market when I need something new.